
The Benefits of Narrow Aisle Forklifts

The narrow aisle forklift category is a very effective tool in a warehouse setting and include reach trucks and order pickers. Reach trucks can include articulating forks, which allow the operator to pull a pallet without having to turn the truck. Oder pickers lift the operator on a secure platform up to the desired level so they can pick individual parts instead of an entire pallet. Both are very effective pieces of machinery that can make a pick and pack operation faster and more efficient. We have pinpointed the benefits of narrow aisle forklifts that make them supply chain superstars.

Improved Handling

Narrow aisle forklifts are designed and engineered to work in very tight spaces. The stand-up design of narrow forklifts makes them more compact and lessens their turning radius. They are less cumbersome than traditional sit-down forklifts and can still do the same amount of work.

Increased Safety

While a skilled and experienced forklift operator might be able to maneuver a standard forklift in tight spaces, the risk is never worth the reward. Even a senior operator with a steady hand can have a bad day and make a mistake. The risk is heightened in tight spaces. When trying to position a bulky forklift in a tight space to grab a pallet, there is increased change to spear the product with the forks and bump the racking with the truck. Even the slightest of bumps can send a shockwave through the racks and it can all come down like a line of dominoes.

Creating More Space

There is never enough space to put pallets and products in a warehouse. The continuous challenge is finding more room to put the next shipment. Business owners and managers struggle with this every day. Having a fleet of narrow aisle forklifts allows for that needed space. When the forklift doesn’t need a lot of space to turn and pick pallets, you are able to narrow the aisles and create more space. Condensing the aisle and squeezing them together lets you add more racking and aisles.

When your company needs on site, narrow aisle forklift training contact us at First Quality Forklift Training. We have to knowledge and experience to train your workforce properly.